



Walking into xuntang Ancient Town, time seems to have quietly stopped a hundred years ago

The streets were paved with clean flagstones, and dozens of small shops, shops and courtyards were locked. The shadows of a few trees and a few faded red lanterns scattered here and there, and occasionally the footsteps of three or two tourists broke the silence of the place.

Walking into the town, the atmosphere of folk customs comes to you. Looking at the cigarette advertisements of the Republic of China period posted on the walls, you feel like you are in that era. Mind is wearing qipao, holding a paper umbrella woman as if madadayo Nana through the ancient town stone bridge......



 无锡市境内以平原为主,星散分布着低山、残丘。南部为水网平原;北部为高沙平原;中部为低地辟成的水网圩田;西南部地势较高,为宜兴的低山和丘陵地区。巡塘古镇位于无锡市东南部,位于经开区核心区,是经开区中倒T型城市空间主骨架的核心,也是经开区景观大道和经开区生态绿轴的交汇处,位置非常优越。紧邻太湖国际博览中心、尚贤河湿地公园,为目前无锡新城片区少有的街区式商业综合体。自驾约 30 分钟,公交约 1 小时可由市区到达。古镇内巡塘桥为单孔石拱桥,清光绪年间(1888年)重建,巡塘桥的台阶石级很低,仅有5-10厘米高,设计者可能考虑便于路人行走。故特别适宜老人、小孩行走。

Wuxi city is mainly plain, scattered with low hills, residual hills. The south is the plain of water network; The north is the high sand plain; In the middle of the lowland into water network polders; Southwest higher terrain, yixing low mountains and hilly areas. Xuntang Ancient Town, located in the southeast of Wuxi city, is located in the core area of the economic development Zone. It is the core of the main framework of inverted T-shaped urban space in the economic development zone. It is also the intersection of the landscape avenue and the ecological green axis of the economic development zone. Close to Taihu International Expo Center and Shangxian River Wetland Park, it is a rare block-style commercial complex in Wuxi New Town area. It takes about 30 minutes by car and 1 hour by bus from downtown. Xuntang Bridge in the ancient town is a single-hole stone arch bridge, which was rebuilt in 1888 during the Reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. The steps of Xuntang Bridge are very low, only 5-10 cm high, and the designers may consider it convenient for passers-by to walk. Therefore, it is especially suitable for the elderly and children to walk; For the heavy burden of the bridge, it does save a lot of effort.










Entrance renovation:At present the hotel entrance is near the east building side, at the same time with only a simple straight line road and wind road connected, the lack of image, instructive, and wind road vertical distance is too short, and on both sides of the tree is too congested roads, bad image of the hotel, with no obvious indication between the left into park road guide, entrance culture, dimly lit, entrance night lighting

The distance between road and east building is increased through curve design

Add hefeng Road city interface hotel LOGO image view wall, strengthen the hotel's image

Design the view wall at the intersection with the park road, and add the hotel guide to the view wall

Transplant some tall trees to other areas of the park, open on both sides of the entrance road of the hotel, create a lawn flower irrigation group, increase the visual space of the entrance, and let the sight of cars and people from the urban interface into the interior

Added cultural landscape "Silk ruyi" landscape waterscape

The overall design, together with the interface group of the entrance city, the landscape group on the right and the three-fork intersection, forms a combined hotel landscape, and combines the theme of "Ruyi water ripples" waterscape and characteristic plant group to create visual impact

Increase the overall night lighting, create a benchmark image of the entrance hotel, enhance the project's important position in the image of the city











Book Hotel suggestions:Elegant hotel center water area function layout is unreasonable, the lack of the commanding heights, lack of rest promenade, stone and bottom, bridge, and east sides formed three vertical line from south to north, it is very ugly, this is rarely the layout in the design, status quo trees trend is good, but bush exposed serious, shrubs enough level, rigid pavement broken; Hefeng Road and Shangxian road intersection "Xuntang town LOGO" before the poor environment

Design the commanding heights of the entire central waterscape

At the entrance of the north side of the hotel design rest viewing platform

Remove the bottom booty, the bottom from south to north of the entire taihu stone moved to other areas of the ground

Redesign the position of the bridge to form a complementary and angular relationship with the commanding heights, rather than parallel relationship

Retain the current main trees, add characteristic tree modeling trees, new color leaf trees, rebuild the shrub level, strengthen the landscape brightness of the main visual nodes

Regular paving, new and missing part of the paving

Rebuild hefeng Road and Shangxian Road intersection "Xuntang town LOGO" before the plant group

The courtyard of the hotel is deserted and needs to be reorganized. Insect repellent plants such as mosquito repellent can be planted to enhance the experience of visitors图片1.png










Shuxiang Hotel suggests: The shangxian Road entering the North Street of Guzhen town is congested and lacks drop-off area. If you get off from the parking lot and enter the interior, tourists will have a poor sense of experience and lack of guidance. After getting off, tourists will walk to the bathroom along the zigzag route and the green group level is not enough. The pedestrian entrance landscape of the North Street is broken, the whole North Street Joe irrigation group level is not enough, the lack of color leaf trees, less decorated tree species, the overall color of golden autumn is green,The inner courtyard is dilapidated, debris accumulation, and the south side of the stage lacks site vitality

Design drop-off areas

Redesign the signage system

Reduce the number of road turns between getting off and the toilet and increase the square area

Regular north Street humanoid entrance pavement, skits, sign system, etc

Increase the plant level, increase the color leaf tree species, strengthen the plant group, through the plants to brighten the whole North street vision

Organize the inner courtyard, break through the link between the inner courtyard and the outside, remove debris, and reshape the vitality of the courtyard

Increase the stage soft decoration, create festival activities, increase the activity square vitality, orderly, update waterfront art and greening图片2.png万和书院建议:





Man Wo College recommends:

The whole building of Wanhe Academy is well preserved, but many parts are dildilated and incomplete. Many hard walls, steps and ting steps need to be replaced and repaired. The cover boards of the tree pool at the entrance square are lacking

The overall trees in wanhe Academy area remain intact, but it also brings challenges to the lower shrubs. Due to the lack of sunlight, the lower shrubs are withered and damaged to various degrees. Therefore, while replanting the lower shrubs, some tall trees should be pruned, and some trees that are too dense should be transplanted

The green clusters and rockeries inside the academy are also dilapidated and incomplete to various degrees. At the same time, the planting of plants is not in harmony with the building, which is still far from the traditional Planting method of Chinese gardens, requiring overall adjustment and design

Shuangxian Bridge stone background plant group is too thin can be strengthened, while replacing the guardrail, the current guardrail is not coordinated with the overall environment









Wetland Proposals:The west side of wetlands dry status quo of the whole water system, water is leaking serious garden area, aquatic plants for planting time is too long almost full of the whole water garden area, already can't distinguish the landscape, the islands and waters of the middle links into the shuikou garden was blocked with water, coupled with the tall trees shade, natural precipitation in hard water formed plenty of waterscape garden, have a rest pavilion around tall trees congestion; On the whole, the trees in the wetland area in the west are tall. Due to the pleasant growth over a long time, the canopy density is too high, and some open space is lacking. The design of the rest pavilion is old and lack of hydrophilic feeling; The green island in the middle of the lake is disconnected from the water garden below, and the aquatic plants on both sides of the leisure wooden plank road are too dense, affecting the impression

Clean up the silt at the inlet so that the water system from the middle of the lake can flow into the water garden

Clean up the siltation on the bottom of the water garden, clean up the wetland plants within the water area of the water garden, only retain a small amount of aquatic plants around the landscape island, and make water leakage treatment on the bottom

A leisure wooden plank road is added between the viewing pavilion and the overall wetland on the west side, connecting the largest island in the middle of the lake

To deal with the current wetland density on both sides of the leisure wooden plank road, appropriately release wetland plants and increase the water area

Some tall trees were removed near the lake to form a sunny lawn in the water-loving area and create partial open space

The second design of the rest pavilion to solve the beauty of the rest pavilion and water level difference


Cultural fragmentation and like, but the fragmentation and quasi like cemetery and the end-result of the final is not culture, modern town landscape can not only full of the history and culture of deconstruction, destruction and ridicule, we hope that by using, splicing, restructuring, transformation, and explain the cultural fragments, through positive sign grafting, restructuring and other practices, Re-contextualizing to create "space" and "place" as containers for the landscape, so that the whole Xuntang ancient Town is full of vitality of construction, creation and shaping.



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